Bhante Buddhadaththa, Born in Kandy, Sri Lanka. He became a Buddhist monk in 1993 at age of 14 years old and received higher ordination in 1999. His monastic training was under the tutelage of the Most Venerable Ampitiye Sri Dhammarama Maha Thero and Most Ven.Yatawatte Dhammananda Thero at Sri Maha Bodhi Maha Vihara, Bahirawa Kanda, Kandy, Sri Lanka.
Bhante Buddhadaththa holds a bachelor’s degree second class in Buddhist Studies, Philosophy and Pali Language from University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka and Master’s degree in Buddhist Studies from Post Graduate Institute of Pali and Buddhist Studies in University of Kalaniya, Sri lanka.
Bhante Makkanigama Buddhadaththa is working as a teacher in Dharmaraja College in Kandy from 2013. He is the founder of Buddhi Pradeepa Social and Ecological Foundation in Makkanigama, Sri Lanka
He came to United State in 2019 with the invitation from Bhante S.Pemaratana , Pittsburgh Buddhist Center and he has been Invited to become the First Resident Monk in Cleveland Buddhist Vihara and Meditation center in 2022